Friday, May 6, 2011

How to Soothe Indigestion While Sleeping

I was tossing and turning late at night not knowing what was the matter until I considered taking into account my eating late at night. If you've had a late night meal it can trigger heartburn just before you are going to bed. What's the solution?

Difficulty:Moderately Easy
things you'll need:
•red pepper powder

1. The next time you go food shopping pick up some red pepper powder. Sprinkling red pepper on your plate can actually ward off indigestion. Use about ½ teaspoon of red pepper powder before your meals.

2. When you are ready for bed...lie on your left side. Because the esophagus is higher than the stomach it will make it difficult for your food and the digestive acid to reflux back into the throat.

3. Stay in this position for the rest of night. If you find yourself waking up on the other side of the bed turn back on your left side

4. This can help you sleep like a baby.

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